A review by authorvperry
These Wicked Lies by Miranda Joy



I think the author has some potential. The story premise is unique and interesting but I have some major issues with the book. But it’s not anything that the author can’t improve upon in the future.

•The protag is extremely unlikeable. She’s rude, spoiled, and is everything she complains of in others. She’s just so bratty that I would expect her to be a 7 years old villain in this story, but even then I’ve never actually met a child that acts as she does. It’s way overdone, not believable, and character development is practically nonexistent.

•The “heightened emotions” issue is also overkill. It was a great idea! I’ll give the author that! It was just overused and did not help the issue of a poor protagonist. If the protagonist would’ve been written better and the “heightened emotions” issue used sparingly, it would have been incredibly intriguing.

•There are things explained in the story that don’t need explaining- readers can read between the lines. This makes much of what is written redundant and is almost patronizing to readers.

•The book is pretty predictable.

•I do like the author’s writing style.

•Again, the plot is unique.

I would say read the first few chapters. If you find yourself not enjoying them, then you’re not likely to enjoy the rest of the book. If you do enjoy them, then continue reading!