A review by kirstyreviewsbooks
Girl on the Run by Rhoda Baxter


Girl on the Run - Rhoda Baxter

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Outrunning her past was never going to be easy …

A job in a patent law firm is a far cry from the glamorous existence of a popstar’s girlfriend. But it’s just what Jane Porter needs to distance herself from her cheating ex, Ashby, and the press furore that surrounds the wreckage of her love life.

In a new city with a new look Jane sets about rebuilding her confidence, and after Ashby’s betrayal, she resolves that this will be something she does alone.

This is the first book in the Smart Girls series and the first book I have read by Rhoda - but not the last. I enjoyed the way that the narrative was accompanied by emails and texts to give a different perspective. This is an entertaining read, with Jane having to learn to trust people again.

This was a feel-good, quick read for me and it was a nice change to see a character wanting to avoid the limelight. I will quickly be moving onto the next book in the series.

Rating: 4/5