A review by lilit358
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami


First of all, there is also a movie version, and if you haven't seen it you should. I am rarely a fan of books being made into movies but this one, White Oleander, and the Road are actually pretty good. However, this is not a site for reviewing movies, so I'll get back to the book, because it's pretty kickin'.

The basic plot is about a bunch of classmates being sent to an island and having to kill each other off until there is only one left or else everyone dies. The story is told from many different points of view and it can get difficult to keep track of the names because many of them look and sound so similar, but it helps that every student also has a number. Despite being in the situation that these kids are in, they still manage to think about their love lives and other high school-esque things.

Everyone handles themselves differently and has a different strategy for survival. It's interesting to think about what you would do if ever put in this situation and how far you would get.