A review by jherrick_
In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce


I was going to give this 5 stars, but the more I thought about it, the more I had to give it 4/4.5. I think it might be because I read this series last out of all of Tamora Pierce's, when I should have read it first, and so I already know what happens to Alanna and who she ends up with. The whole George-Jonathan little love triangle really bugs me. George professes his love for her, and kisses her, and she doesn't object much, so she obviously has feelings for him, and then John comes along and does the same thing, and she also lets him, and then says she loves him and forgets all about George. Maybe the later books will resolve this for me, but it bugs me that Alanna does this knowing John can't be with her, and then eventually ends up with George, and becomes
the Kings Champion. I mean, I could see it if she was 16, and her feelings
changed, whatever, but she's 18 and ready to go out into the world, and is coming back to two men who are friends, and both love her, and basically has to decide. but the decision is kind of already made for her, because John can't marry her. Anyways, I hope that it's all cleared up in the next couple of books, and makes sense to me. the only other problem I had with the book is how fast paced it was. I mean so much happened, and yet the book is so tiny! I just feel the plot could have been developed just a little more.