A review by bookbelle5_17
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence by Luke Jackson


A non-fiction, own voices book about kids and adolescences with Asperger's syndrome, a syndrome that is a form of Autism. Luke Jackson wrote and had this book published when he was only 13, and this is about his experience with having AS. He gives tips to both those that have it, and the parents and teachers that are part of the their lives. He also shares stories, pictures, and photographs about his experience. This is a great starter read to understanding Asperger's and how to handle it. Having been written by a 13 year old this book is easy to read and understand. Luke gets straight to the point, and is also a unique character. He provides funny commentary on social norms and uses idioms throughout his book, explaining what they mean in the back. Basically, the book and writing style is personable. If you have any interest in AS whether you're connected to someone who has it or just want research for another reason, I would recommend starting with this book. It has an informative and positive outlook on the subject.