A review by kelbee
The Dragon's Rebel by Jacqueline Rohrbach


3 Stars

Started well, but things went a little awry at the half way mark.

In the beginning I was totally on board. Special mission, dragons, enemies to lovers - all good. I was hoping for a Captive Prince vibe. Unfortunately, once Cheron actually gets to start his mission everything else happens at warp speed.

- He defeats the guardian of the relic he seeks and completes this epic trial of worthiness in like a chapter
- Admits to deep feelings for Ekos despite minimal interacting
- Escapes and is recaptured MULTIPLE times
- Summons and kills an all powerful god
- All past 50%

I grew weary of the insane torture and near deaths; if it had happened over a longer period of time it could’ve worked, but as it is it was just too underdeveloped to be believable.

Now some things I did like

- Ekos’ sharp tongue and general bantering
- Lion overall, but especially his role as a “son” for Ekos and Cheron.
- All the comedic familial relief during the cave scenes
- Despite their rushed feelings; Ekos and Cheron had some really nice moments. Especially the “I love rebels.” “I love dragons.” scene. Fucking adorable. (You’ll understand if you read it.)

This had all the potential to be great, but lacked some finesse. There’s enjoyment to be had though, and I’d still read another book in this series if it was Lion’s.

*ARC kindly provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review*