A review by murrayviolet
Cat on the Scent by Rita Mae Brown


Score: 1.5/5

At Crozet, Virginia, Tommy Van Allen disappeared in the middle of the night without any trades. However, Mrs. Murphy; the tiger-print cat of Mary Haristeen aka Harry had seen what happened to Van Allen. Not long after the disappearance of Van Allen, the town millionaire, H. Vane-Tempest got shot 3 times on his back. Mrs. Murphy and her friends will have to solve the mystery before something bad happens again

I honestly couldn’t understand why when there’s a cat on the cover, I couldn’t resist buying it without reading the synopsis. Because of that, this book turned out to be horrible even though there were two cats and a dog.

Have you noticed how many characters’ names from the first paragraph I mentioned? Plenty! This book had literally more than 20 character’s names. Is that too much? I was so tired of remembering the names. There was a cast of characters page, but it didn’t help. If you happen to finish this book and end up remembering every single name without writing them down, I seriously think you are the next Sheldon Cooper with a photographic memory. Avoid this book at all costs if you don’t like politics. I felt like Cat on the Scent was heavier on politics than solving the puzzles. It was like reading a politics book or something.

Another disaster of this book is the ending. Oh my goodness! It was so darn bad. Why did the author write such a thing! It was very irritating. I spent 15 days reading it and this is what I got. Give me back my time!

Nevertheless, when they said this is a cat mystery, it IS exactly that. Mrs. Murphy played a lot of roles in the story. I was quite happy with that. The other cat mystery books I read was like cat appeared three times and done.

Before I finish this review if you wanna read it, go for it. No one can stop you. For me, I gonna put this book into my dislike category of 2021.

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