A review by mj_reads
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.


Yupp, still one of my favorite books. I was a bit nervous about my reread because its the first time I'm reading this since I've finished ACOMAF. But I honestly think I enjoyed this even more this time around. SO much more makes sense, especially all the scenes with my baby Rhysand. I noticed so much more this time around than I remember noticing before. Its great.

Feyre is so amazing. Watching her grow and realize how amazing she is after feeling so unappreciated for so much of her life is just such an incredible experience. I feel like a proud mother watching her grow up and fight for the things she believes in :'). I honestly just want Feyre to have the world, or anything at all that she desires. She deserves that and more.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I am so #teamtamlin in this book its ridiculous. And I think a big part of it is just the beauty and the beast parallels that tug on my heart strings but like whatever I'm here for it. But I did notice this time around that I more so am in love with how they develop feelings for each other. I like reading about him showing her things that are important to him and learning about what is important to her. I loved reading about him showing her around the spring court, coming to her rescue, their interactions with each other (for the most part). So even though I still appreciate Tamlin in this book, I think I honestly appreciate their relationship more than I appreciate him as a character - if that makes sense. So idk maybe less team tamlin than i thought and just more team love and ships and things that seem really nice at the time?? (still working on explaining it-sorry fam)
I still love Lucien. Still lowkey shipped him and Feyre in the beginning before she started to realize her feeling for Tamlin. Still not sorry about it.
Prior to ACOMAF I just liked Rhysand, I kinda thought he was a bit over-hyped, but now that I've read it I am 100% just as into him in this book as everyone else is/was. Its much easier to understand his motives now, and all their interactions are so much more emotional after knowing what they really meant !!!! Idk how you people called it before the second book was even out but you did and I am sorry I ever rolled my eyes at you. #TeamRhys4LIFE
Even knowing how it ends, I still was incredibly anxious during everything that happens under the mountain. And even knowing how they change, I still resented her fam in the beginning (much love for Nesta when Feyre is back at home though...such a bae).

There isn't much I can say about this book that hasn't already been said. Basically I enjoyed it just as much/probably more than I did the first 2-3 times I read it. But yeah I love it. Glad I decided to reread the series in anticipation for book 3!!!