A review by sde
House of Sticks by Ly Tran


An engaging memoir. While lots of bad stuff happens to Ly throughout the book, it is still a quick read, and you can sense the love her family has for each other despite all their foibles. This is also a story of all the people who helped Ly along the way. Although she is a very strong person, she never would have gotten half as far if not for all the people who stepped into her life and provided help when she needed it most. It is a good reminder that little things that you do here and there may make a big difference in someone's life.

As someone who also has very bad eyesight, I wanted to shake the parents when they refused to get her glasses. I understand the reasons why. but I can't imagine how she was able to be as successful as she was without glasses. I would think she would have had debilitating headaches. I also found it weird that her dad was so opposed to glasses but would shell out the big bucks for
Spoiler lasik surgery. I never had a desire to get that surgery, and I definitely don't after reading this book!
Are glasses that bad of a reflection on a family?

Toward the end of the book there is a very sweet
Spoiler love story. It may make you less reluctant to talk to strangers on the subway!