A review by introverteddragonscribbles
The Master Craftsman by Kelli Stuart



First off, the idea of this book is just plain cool. It’s part contemporary, part treasure hunt, and part mystery, part historical. But the thing is, it moves so slow. I felt like there was a lot in the beginning that could have been left out or summarized. It isn’t until almost halfway through the book that the characters even start looking for the mysterious Faberge Egg, and by then, I was starting to lose interest. This may be because I’m more used to the faster pace of YA fantasy, but I still think that some of the beginning could have been trimmed down a little. I came for the treasure hunt, not for Ava’s tumultuous relationship with her dad.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with this book. I just couldn’t finish it. I lost interest before any of the interesting things happened. I might try reading it again some day when I have better fortitude, but for now, I’m going to have to put it on my list of books I couldn’t finish. Otherwise, I feel like it is most likely a very good story. I loved Stuart’s A Silver Willow By the Shore, so I’m sure when I have better patience I’ll most likely enjoy this one as well.

NOTE: I received a complimentary copy for review purposes only. All thoughts and opinions are my own.