A review by canada_matt
Cold Grave by Kathryn Fox


Fox is known to pen excellent books and this one did not fall short. Her second consecutive novel that takes us away from life in Australia, we still see forensic physician Anya Crichton in her key role as crime solver and lady of mystery. That said, the entire story takes place aboard a less than usual venue, a cruise ship. While it does seem unorthodox, Fox displays a great knowledge of these tourist vessels and sets the story (as well as the murders) in the perfect setting, without making the whole project too corny. Mixing the ever important sleuthing to determine who murdered one of the passengers with discoveries of eco-terrorism and the ever important character development, Fox creates the ideal novel.

I thoroughly enjoyed Fox’s presentation in this novel. She does, more than likely with complete purpose, expound on cruise ships and all that they are, besides a means of vacationing on the open seas. Her attention to detail and factual presentation opened my eyes and led me to wonder if I ought not hold off on booking that cruise I have always wanted to take. She is also able to take this setting and overlay a few great crimes, while keeping the story moving in a forward motion. It does not drag or become overly stale, which can be important for new readers.

Kudos Madam Fox. You are to be commended for your hard work and attention to detail. I cannot wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.