A review by bunnerz
The Devil's Darling, by Briana Michaels


While I thoroughly enjoyed reading the first two books of the trilogy, the last book somewhat fell apart for me. Too many new characters were introduced to move the plot along, and new facets of personalities were revealed with no consistency of reason.

SpoilerI was most irritated at the reveal of the human villains - there was no hint of them in previous books, and most of the main characters didn't even know the name! Lucifer's angel brothers kept popping back in, but they didn't seem to do much towards actually helping to solve the traitor issue other than keep emphasizing that Lucifer would always be stuck in hell unless it fell. We find out more hints about the Dark Truth and the voodoo god, but it's all surface facts even though apparently they were important enough to get a few POV snippets.

Lastly, the flexible Alpha explanation for Sara's pack in some random scene where Tanner felt possessive was something that dropped in out of nowhere. I thought Jack was the Alpha when Sara wasn't around?!

Although I still had no trouble enjoying the writing and finishing the book, overall, the plot was a bit too messy and convoluted for a single book. I do still fully recommend this series though, as it's a wonderful world and kick-ass characters.

UPDATE: After having finishing the entire series...
SpoilerI'm still a little bitter that we don't get more backstory on what the heck happened to Magdeline/Dark Truth. We definitely get our questions all answered about the angels and Lucifer by book 9, and I'm quite satisfied with that, but there were still loose ends that weren't tied up satisfactorily IMO.

Ratings - completed series:
First trilogy - Sara
#1 Restless Spirit: ★★★★☆
#2 The Dark Truth: ★★★★☆
#3 The Devil's Darling (this book): ★★★☆☆

Second trilogy - Tilly
#4 Hard to Find: ★★★★☆
#5 Hard to Love: ★★★★☆
#6 Hard to Kill: ★★★★☆

Third trilogy - Lucifer
#7 Raise Hell: ★★★★☆
#8 Raise the Dead: ★★★★☆
#9 Ruler of the Righteous: ★★★★☆