A review by loverofromance
Huckleberry Christmas by Jennifer Beckstrand


Huckleberry Christmas is book three in the "Matchmakers" series by Jennifer Beckstrand. Even thoug the first books had some issues, I am still so charmed by the world building of a Amish romance, with the strong sense of community, faith centered traditional living and non preacy feminist dialogue. I adore the way that this author is able to show strength of women without being on a soap box, where it just feels so down to earth and genuine. What really ended up working for me in this one was seeing the romance develop between these two and a fun trope that I see very rarely, I just don 't see it common in romance like I used to. We do deal with some challenging issues that the author was willing to tackle, and I really admired the way in which it was handled.

The set up of the story is where our heroine, Beth, is a widow and a single mom. She is also recovering from an emotionally abusive husband although its hinted at that there was more than that. Then we have our hero, Tyler, who has recently been burned and jilted at his own wedding. Beth's grandparents are determined to matchmake them together, but Beth is against any marriage in the future. She blames God for what happened to her, and the abuse that she suffered. And even though Tyler appears to be honest and good, she doesn't want to suffer again. But as Tyler and Beth grow closer, they will be tested when Beth will have to reconcile her past and learn to trust again...

I absolutely adored just about everything about this book. Its my favorite so far in this series and I had such a fun time seeing these characters come together like they do. It definitely kicks off with a great start, and I adored the way that they instantly have a connection. Now even though I didn't always approve of Beth's action, I definitely understood it from a certain point. It did get a bit dragged out in the end, but I loved how the hero stands up to beth in what he deserves and it helps Beth to reevaluate her decisions and come to terms with her issues and reconcile with God and her faith and learning to forgive and fight her battles. I did enjoy how protective Tyler could be while at the same time, he let her fight what she needed to.

There was so many laughs in this one, despite the difficult issues that come into the story. I delighted in seeing the manner in the way of the sense of family and community, the way these grandparents attempt matchmaking these two together and the atmospheric vibe of Christmas time. It just had me wanting to put some Christmas carols on and put up some mistletoe. I really enjoyed seeing some characters from previous books, and the way the child aspect was implemented into this one here. The more I read this author, the more I become hooked on her stories. I can't recommend this one enough if you want to get a solid Christmas romance or just want to try out a Amish romance. I will say that even though this is closed door in the heat level, I will say that there are some amazing kissing and affection scenes portrayed.

Overall I found Huckleberry Christmas to be utterly delightful, charming in its portrayal and genuine in the character building and the romance that will speak deeply to your heart!