A review by corrie
Guardian Angel by Becky Harmon


Guardian Angel is my second Becky Harmon novel and I found this action/romance a rather enjoyable read. Sure, it was a bit slow out of the gate – we spent half the book staring at the people standing outside of the embassy gates – but when the action kicks in we are cooking with gas!

US Ambassador in Mauritania Elizabeth (Ellie) Turner gets extra security (by way of 20 Flagler agents) to monitor a group of protesters at the embassy gates. Angel McTaggart and her team arrive and pretty soon both women are budding heads over just about everything. They are also highly attracted to each other. Not ideal, given the job that Angel has been sent to do. Ellie is a major distraction. Ellie don’t get any work done either. They slyly stalk each other’s movements by means of tracking gps bracelets.

Like I said, first half is slow, the second half kicks into gear. I liked the action scenes and the generous helping of Mauritanian culture. The romance was a bit on the meager side, insta-lust combined with mutual stubbornness and a failure to communicate (yes, that old chestnut). But, I don’t want to be too harsh about it either, it was overall a very enjoyable read.

f/f fade to black, I thought the romance was a bit ho-hum

Themes: Ellie: ‘I want to do the thing’, Angel: ‘you can’t do the thing’.

3.7 Stars

* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Bella Books for an honest review.