A review by m2w05
Cumbres borrascosas by Emily Brontë


I started reading this book because of a quote i love "whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" but wow i did not expect this book... and i just loved it because of heathcliff, his story is so sad and it makes me sad he had to go through all of that because he loved so much Catherine. I also loved Hearton he had such a humbled heart even tho he had to lived a life he did not deserve he had the ability to learn to love and find happiness his pride did not win! I never understood catherine she made her life and Heathcliff miserable just because her way of thinking! This story is so heartbreaking because inocent people had to pay the consequences of Catherine... but i did enjoy the love Heathcliff prove to have it makes me sad to see all his world was Catherine and i just think she was so selfish and did not love him as deep as he did love her!