A review by nicspears
Playing the Game by Karen Frances



I wanted to love this. I really really did and I was so excited to read it. But I didn't love it as much as I wanted to.
I found myself struggling to read it to begin with and there were a few times I was tempted to shelf it, but I was determined not to give up. To see it through to the end.

I liked it, don't get me wrong but I felt it was very long winded in the first half of the book.
The story was there. I really liked the story and I loved the characters. They were incredibly strong and had a lot of depth..
But, there was just a lot going on in the first 65% that felt in some ways pointless. It was really slow to get into.

However the last 35% was brilliant. The pace was perfect and the ending was bloody good.

I will read the second book, because I want to find out what happens (it ends on a cliffhanger), I just hope it's better at keeping my attention.

**arc provided in exchange of an honest review*