A review by bookdrgn
The Rich Boy, by Kylie Scott


This is not your everyday rags-to-riches, knight-in-shining-armor whisking the poor girl off her feet kind of story. No, this is much messier.

Scott has again crafted a lively, spirited character in Alice. Alice is forthcoming and friendly but won't back down if someone gets in her face. She is capable of ignoring a plethora of jealousy from women in Beck’s world with far more grace than I would while still keeping a smile on her face.
Beck is a different but similar hero in Scott’s worlds. He has money, as many of her male characters do; but he was born into it, the son of one of the elite families in Denver society. He grew up in an emotionally barren world where money means power and honesty is a dirty word.
The relationship between Beck and Alice reminds me of Mal and Anne from Scott’s Stage Dive series in the sense that it happens quickly and from the moment they met, Beck declared Alice his. The world Beck sweeps Alice into is full of characters who were colorful and enigmatic, and despite their initial arrogance, appear to have hidden depths, with the exception of two characters – the Grandmother and the ex.
Despite the circumstances of their meeting, Alice had to work too hard to convince Beck she didn’t want him for his money.
I didn’t really feel the relationship between Alice and Beck was as natural and authentic as couples in previous books, as much fun as it was to read them falling in love. It felt very on the surface, unlike the deep emotional unions I am used to from this author.
Once the pretense dropped and things in their relationship got real, the book wrapped up too quickly for me and I found myself a little disappointed in Alice.
While I felt things ended swiftly, The Rich Boy was a fun read. Current and sassy; two of the elements that always draw me back to Scott’s books.
The thing I love about Scott’s work is the books are fun, flirty and can be read in a few hours if you have a good block of time. And they stay with you after you’ve read them, leading to multiple re-reads. I recommend this for anyone who enjoys fairy-tale reimagining’s in modern settings.

I received an ARC of this book as part of a blog promotional tour.

Kylie Scott is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013, 2014 & 2018, by the Australian Romance Writers Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long-time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

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