A review by christiek
Right After the Weather by Carol Anshaw

Did not finish book.
Read 70 pages. I wasn’t connecting with the characters. Also, by page 70, I should know why I’m reading this book, but I didn’t yet. Finally, the election night scene was dumb with bad dialogue and, really, not one of us wants to remember what that was like. It’s hard to write about floundering characters, and I don’t think this book pulls it off.

(Pet peeve alert - Also, if you don’t know Oregon rain, don’t write about it. Happens all the time that authors think rain means rain. No one from Oregon is going to say “Where I come from, this is just a sprinkle.” Oregonians say to your drizzle, “wow, it’s raining pretty good.” We have a dozen words for describing various types of barely raining but still wet outside. And finally, it rains in only half the state. The eastern Oregon town the sister is from gets only 13 inches of rain a year.)