A review by laneylegz
Dirty Filthy Fix: A Fixed Trilogy Novella by Laurelin Paige


This book just didn't do it for me. I was hoping for more of a story on Nate Sinclair (45 so older than Dylan, Nate, & Weston. I haven't read Cade's books yet). He's been alluded to in Donovan & Weston's books (Dirty). In fact Weston had mentioned that Nate was a god and he wouldn't mind "watching". This book is from Trish's point of view (who is apparently in the Fixed series). She's a vapid and selfish. She meets Nate at a sex party where she's enthralled with him but still wants to be worshiped by all the other participants. She has "rules" and of course breaks them. There's a little information on his former job as an "art dealer" before he became part owner of Reach. He likes Trish but she doesn't want to be molded into what men want her to be, like a girlfriend and she definitely doesn't want to share any space because she likes her own things in her own house and not being defined by anyone or committed. She's pissed when Nate takes her to Weston & Lizzie's wedding because it's too personal. The only thing they seem to relate over is their sexual proclivities. A kind of surprise ending left me wanting a book on Nate's background and his in doctrine into Reach before h ever met Trish.