A review by emmasdeaf
Cross the Line by Simone Soltani



So, I was super excited for this book to come out. Because it is about Formula 1, and I loved the cover a lot, and than I got an email that I got the fking arc!!
It is my first arc ever, so I was super happy hehe.

If you love Formula 1/sportromance,and <b>macarons + Bollywood</b> references, you should definitely read this masterpiece. <i>[Comes out soon (follow <b>@simonesoltani on instagram</b> for updates)]</i>

- Childhood friends/crush
- Brothers bestfriend
- She falls first, he falls harder
- Worklplace
- Secret/forbidden
- Childhood neighbours
- Sunshine x Sunshine

<u><b>Review with <i>spoilers</i>;</b></u>

<b>I loved this book sooo much</b>, I read the first half so fast. But then my schoolstress came so i took a bit longer to finish it. But it is literally so so good. <i>The writing is easy and beautiful to read</i>, there is also no third act break up (so happy, because sometimes third act breakups are so dumb lmao.). 
<b>This book talked about having a chronic illness</b>, I don't remember what it was exactly called, but <b>Willow</b> the maincharacter could easlily get her bones broken. And the book talked about that, and how she went through her childhood with that, and things she couldn't do even if she loved it. 
But <b>the book also talked about stopping with something</b>(in this case F1). Because <b>Oakley</b> (brother of Willow) also did motorsport in F3, but stopped after seeing an accident and also because of the extreme diet. Because he didn't want to put his life to danger. And I think that is kinda intresting to see, because not in a lot of books that I read, I see people stop, so this was refreshing kind of.

Anyway lets talk about the story now :).
<b>Willow and Dev</b> were so fking cute together, and just fr made for each other. Probably also because <i>they know eachother since they were kids, because they were neighbours</i>. Dev is also her <b>brothers bestfriend</b>. They never hurted one anohter and just always lit up when they saw the other just exsiting. <b>I loved their little movie dates
</b>, of Bollywood films, but also just them spending time together and being happy with eahother. And ofcourse the picnic was cute asf too. 

<b><i>"I've played the clown so that I can watch her face light up. So I can witness those deep dimples appearing like little craters in the moon. And what's more beauitful than the moon? Nothing. Except for Willow."</i></b> 

I love macarons, and <b>Dev literally bought 200 macarons for Willow</b>, like pls give me a chance Dev.
Also how at the end he put the ring between two macarons was so cute, because Willow is obsessed with them hehe. Also how Willow still has that <b>elephant Ellie</b> that Dev won for her in a carnival thingy, so cute how Dev put them to bed.

To be honest, <i>they both just cared so much for eachother, and really are in love</i>. She maybe fell first but he fell harder fr. Everyone knew she had something for him, so Dev must be blind fr lmao.
<b>He may be blind, but he does speak 5 languages (hot).</b>

I LOVED Willow her two friends <b>Grace and Chantal</b>, they were just so fking funny and they did really care for Willow. Same for Dev his friends, <b>Chava and Mark</b>. First I was kind of suspicious of Mark, but at the end I think I loved him the most lmao. Also both Chava and Mark were so funny lol. Or <b>Chava is the funny one and Mark is the hot one</b> hehe. I liked how <b>Oakley</b> didn't get mad at them for being together, like <b>he really is a good brother</b>, and I felt sad because of him thinking it was his fault for not defending Willow to Jermey. But tbh <b>Jermey is just a piece of trash</b>, and the friends that took his side too, I'm happy they are not bonded with them anymore. Oakley really is a good brother and friend, and he wasn't that overprotective brother like in other books, where they are too overprotective yk, he knew <i>Willow was a human of her own and could make decisions on her own</i>, so I really loved that about Oakley. Their little knock system on the door was also so cute tbh.
I also sensed something between <b>Oakley and Dev his sister</b>, from the beginning. 
Loved<b>Dev his mom</b> a lot, lmao she knew everything, love her.

It was also very reletable in the beginning, when <b>Willow</b> was like searching for a job. 
Especially because I'm in the same boat atm, by going to my first year of college and stuff.
But <b>Willow really is a fking smart person</b> and I am happy she still get to do something she loved.
Thank you <b>Reid</b> for giving her a chance, and also for being hot :). And ofcourse it was also thanks to Willow, that <b>Dev his reputation</b> became good again :).

Fking <b>hated Buck and Nathaniel</b>, sometimes I thought that Nathaniel could be a better person, if he left his dad, but that is probably not going to happen soon. I hated especially the part where Dev was racing so fking good, and then he got told to retire the car, like wtf. Nothing was wrong with the car bro, like Buck is so insecure fr. I was literally hoping Dev could go to another team, and he got to. He is literally in the team with <b>his Idol Zaid</b>, like that's so amazing. Now even in Zaid his seat, because of his injury.
Also I do feel sad for <b>Lorenzo</b>, it also kinda reminds me of Santiago from the Dirty Air series.

But fr <b>the title of the book 'Çross the Line' makes sense</b>, but not for Dev and Willow crossing a line, no. It makes sense because Buck literally crossed so many shitty lines.

<b><i>"Everything else in the world falls away. All the bullshit. All the drama. All the worry. It's gone, and all I know is her. My sunshine. My moon guiding me in the darkness. My Willow."</i></b>

I am so excited for this book to come out, also because I am in my F1 era.