A review by camilacadibe
The Darkest Star by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Before Reading:

After Reading
So... I might be a tiny bit disappointed.
As in, I expected to give this 5 stars and it's actually more of a 2.5.
Fuck me.

Honestly, the only reason that this gets 3 stars from me is: I love Luc with all the capacity of my heart.
He is amazing and precious and perfect and creepy and I'd die and kill for him. I also mostly enjoyed the romance. And I like the friendships. That's it.

Now, all the rest? I was either cringing or bored.

I read all the lux series. Plus the "extras", and the book about the Aurum (too lazy to look the name up). So I already know how everything works. And it felt like at least 50% of the book was explaining all that shit over and over again. I'm not stupid, dammit. Tell me once and move the fuck on. I skimmed SO MUCH because of this crap.

There was also A LOT of typos. Normally that doesn't bother me much, but for some reason, it did here. Maybe because I was already pissed with the overexplaining.

And the main character? Evie? She was a goddamn idiot and no one can convince me otherwise. It was like she was competing with herself on how many times she could make the worst possible decision in a certain amount of time.
Plus, the way she treated Luc? Especially in the beginning?? BITCH, you don't even know him, he's being nothing but amazing to you and you dare treat him like trash, go fuck yourself! (That's what I was yelling at the book at 2 AM).

Evie did get better. She started actually using her brain sometimes and I did sympathize with some stuff that happened. But still, that girl got on my nerves.

And the plot bored me because there was not actually one? What we had here was pretty much preparation for the real plot in the next book (at least I hope so). So the whole time I was waiting for something amazing to happen and was left hanging. I mean, fine, something did happen, but it didn't really make sense to me and it felt... Wrong and cringy.

Man, I don't know. I think, when JLA decided to go back to this world, she should have put more effort into making it perfect. I mean it when I say that the only reason I liked this book enough to continue reading is Luc.

I still have high hopes that it will get better. Evie was more grounded by the end and there can not possibly be even more explanations of the world we already know (please please please), so really, the next one can totally be amazing.

I'm keeping my faith in JLA!

And, of course, in my love Luc. <3