A review by thechaoshour
Redemption by S. Usher Evans


I love when a series leaves me satisfied. That doesn't mean every single loose end was tied up but there was enough for me to be happy with how everything ended up.

I'm always a big fan of character development and this series had a lot of it. Jack grew so much and I loved how he wasn't the typical "stupid" protagonist. It's better to leave the dead alone and I was SO happy he knew that. Cam will forever be my favourite and I liked how her story ended. Not perfectly but with hints of something more for her. There were times I wanted to scream at Anya but she was honestly a very realistic character. It's hard to overcome what she went through but you see her slowly push forward throughout the whole series. Even Bael, as horrible as he was, started making me feel a little bad for him. Just a little though. Plus we got to see some new characters (I'm thinking of one very specific one) and they added so much more to this story.

Plot-wise it could be a teeny bit predictable at times but somehow the characters would make decisions I didn't think they would. While the plot and word building is strong, I think it was the characters that really brought this book and series to life.

**I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my review. **