A review by ceena
A Princess in Theory by Alyssa Cole


This book was adorably cute.

I loved how they interacted and we could watch them fall for each other. I adore books where we can understand why they fall in love for each other (for reasons besides their looks).

Ledi is a scientist which is awesome, but we do have to see how she puts up with sexism and racism in the workplace--which honestly feels really realistic. It sucks, but it is true. It isn't often though that we get to read about a smart woman in a STEM field, especially more rare when it is a woman of color. Let's add on to this by mentioning how funny, charming, and amazing Ledi is. She is a fantastic character and made reading this book such a treat.

Honestly, this book is fantastic and more people should definitely be reading it. This is a series I will definitely be continuing.