A review by thebookaddictedgirl
X Marks the Spot by Les Martin


Ok, I’ll admit that the main reason I picked this up is because it was the only book starting with ‘X’ that I could find. I’ve seen some of the series on TV, but haven’t really followed it so much, even though I really like it.
This book was... really good actually. Strange, kind of scary and full of weird events, this book had me hooked. Also, it set the scene really well, without sending me into information overdrive.
‘Spooky Mulder’ is obsessed with the unusual cases: The X Files. This fixation worries the FBI, especially as they think he’d go to any lengths to get the truth. So they send by-the-book agent, Dana Scully, to keep an eye on him. Together, the two go to a small town where bizarre deaths are cropping up: all from the same high school class. Little do the FBI know that Mulder is very, very convincing, especially as his theories seem to be the only ones that make sense...
Mulder’s brilliant. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks – even though some of them believe he’s insane – and he’s intuitive, frighteningly so at points. His conviction that aliens are walking among us sometimes makes him slightly blind to other options, but as the book goes on you find out why he’s so certain, and it really makes you understand him more. So, all in all, he’s a brilliant, smart, if slightly ‘spooky’ character.
Scully’s more down to earth, and her ideas more practical. Sometimes she wasn’t all that open minded, but Mulder can be pretty convincing. She’s cool, level-headed and smart: pretty much what you want in a lead girl.
Overall, a book that, honestly, I loved. It was short, addictive and spooky, full of alien-abduction-theories and defensive locals. The characters were great, strong and believable. Yeah, I’m not exactly a fan of Sci-Fi, but The X Files is one in this genre that I really like, and would happily either read or watch again.