A review by david611
The Fountains Of Paradise, by Arthur C. Clarke


1.66 stars

Such a boring book by Arthur C. Clarke. It reminded me of his other book [b:A Fall of Moondust|149059|A Fall of Moondust|Arthur C. Clarke|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1302382681l/149059._SY75_.jpg|1397287], which had likewise nothing much, yet was better than this one for me. This book had a decent start, but somehow failed to keep me in grasp, and it just kept dragging, and me waiting for it to somehow end. My actual rating is 1-star. But the extra star comes from rounding up from the extra points I had to provide for the location in the story, and for its slight historical background.