A review by lindsayslittlelibrary
Burning for More by Kaye Kennedy


I’m really sorry because I don’t want to be a total asshole to the author and to everyone who liked this book, but this was really bad.

In the very first chapter we meet Autumn as she wakes up to an apartment full of smoke. She was babysitting an 8 year old son of a neighbor. She can’t breathe or see and she panics and leaves the burning apartment without the child in search of fresh air. She goes down several flights of stairs to get air before planning to go back for the child. While hanging out in the stairwell, she sees firemen on their way up and in passing shouts at them to go get the boy assuming they would hear her. She gets no confirmation that they heard her, but she decides it’s their job to randomly find people in a huge ass building on fire without any guidance. She decides to exit the building. She gets outside and into an ambulance to get some oxygen (all while the child remains an afterthought and she apparently thinks he will be able to breath through the smoke?) and takes her sweet time (several minutes by her count) to notify emergency personnel about the boy still being in the building?! Who the fuck left this woman in charge of their kid?! I am enraged reading this because if you’re in charge of my kid you either save my child or die trying. I am aghast at the sheer stupidity of this MC and cannot believe this is how this book started.

She then calls the mother to notify her of the situation. Upon learning her child is still in the burning building, the mom is understandably upset and screams in despair. Autumn is suddenly very sorry to have left the boy behind and apologizes by saying she tried to get him out. Bitch, you ran into a chair and decided it was too big of an obstacle to overcome to save the kid’s life and then you hightailed it to the door. You did not try. You didn’t even make it a couple of steps in the boy’s direction. Don’t lie.

I read a little more to see if this story somehow improved but it really did not. The writing was super cheesy and cringy. The guy had isntalove googoo eyes after seeing her for the first time and she’s already bewitched him body and soul. 

Then, she apparently has literally nowhere else to go except for her ex boyfriends place. 

I’m done. Made it 15% of the way in and that was more than enough.