A review by coleanne
Things I Can't Forget by Miranda Kenneally


This book is my all-time favorite. I come back to it constantly and re-read it. Every time I read it I find more of myself in the pages. I don't think I'd love it as much as I do if I hadn't read it when I did, but I connected to it so deeply then. I love that
Spoiler teaches Kate to set healthy boundaries and respect herself enough to communicate her wants and needs to
Spoiler. This is such an important thing to learn to do, in platonic, familial, and romantic relationships and I think this line of the plot is what makes me love this book so much.
SpoilerMatt is willing to respect the boundaries that Kate communicates to him and work to keep her because he loves her, which is cheesy, but sweet.
Spoiler There are some typical tropes and
Spoileralmost everyone ends up in romantic relationships by the end
Spoiler, which is unnecessary but doesn't really detract from anything, so it's whatever. I've read this book so many times that pages are falling out of my copy.