A review by aizataffendi
Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa


Having read her two earlier books, I had expected this to have somewhat of the same storyline and that the novelty of her writings should have worn off by now, for me.. but boy, was I wrong. As with the two previous ones, reading this book evoked so many emotions within me.. I felt amused, disgusted, sad, powerless throughout the book, sometimes within the same paragraph or page!

Blending historical facts with fiction, I could see how much research have gone into writing this as she tied them with her own experiences as a refugee. I loved how the book humanises how the world views Palestinians..reminding readers that despite the continuous onslaught by the Zionist forces for centuries, Palestinians still go about their lives as anyone else would. They dance, they sing, love, laugh, gossip.. all the same!

Susan had also casually inserted book suggestions for readers within the pages, which is truly appreciated. I now have 2 new books in my to-read list.. Thanks Susan! ☺️