A review by elvenoutcast
Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn, by Katana Collins


I don’t usually endulge in comics however, I do like delving into the world of DC villains from time to time.

The art is amazing and so is the hardback cover.

This is an interesting alternate universe and portrays Harley as human - a single mother with post-partum depression, retired from her villain life. It was an enjoyable read, even though the mystery/detective aspect of the story was very basic and simple. I guess that was done to highlight Harley’s complexity a lot more.

I also love the Batman x Harley trope. Very cute.

I didn’t realise that this book was a part of a series. I thought it was a single story so a few backstories and context was missing. Nothing too impactful on the reader’s experience as you can still enjoy it as a stand-alone comic.