A review by theladydoor
The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman


TL;DR version: Read this book. Go, read it, now.

Long version: This book was a dream to read. The world that Gilman fearlessly builds is so real, so vibrant, so endlessly interesting that you pull yourself out of the book surprised to find yourself elsewhere.

Gilman's characterization is sublime. His creations are flawed yet heroic. The story is told through parallel storylines from the points of view of three characters: a female psychiatrist with a shaky past embarking on a quixotic quest westward, a murderous mountain man fueled by a demon looking for redemption (or not, it depends on his mood), and a man of the machine, always ready to do his duty. Tying all three together is the search for a man long thought dead and the potential for a weapon which could destroy two of the major forces in the world. When the stories intertwine, as they inevitably do, the result is organic and faultless, the characters remain true, though you can see the beginnings of Change in them.

Be warned though. This is not a standalone novel. There is a forthcoming sequel, and you may find yourself as I am, gnashing at the bit for it to come out.