A review by artbyabookgeek
Snow White by Alice Callisto, Jeanette Rose


I received this book as an ARC, thanks Rose and Star!!

When I read the blurb of this book I was hooked! A Sapphic retelling of Snow White and with actual magic?! yes please!

I wanted to love this book so much, but I think this book is a great read if you are starting out in the adult fantasy genre. I honestly read A LOT of books and I think this fact is what make me give only 3 stars to the book. However if you are starting in this genre, then this book is definitely the book for you and I'm sure you'll love it. I didn't use to really notice some of the things Im going to mention, so again, if you are starting out, then please go ahead.

There are several women called to the castle to compete in sort of "the bachelorette" for Snow White's dad, the King. Among them is Belle, which I assume will be the main character of book 2. One of these ladies is the other main character and she is distracted of her scheme to win the king because of Snow White. The spicy scenes are good though. Then they of course fall in love and everything works out like all the fairy tales we love.

The premise of the story is really great and I was so curious about this retelling. It started off with lots of great starting points. My big but is the lack of world building, you'll dive in and I think you are assumed to know based on what you usually know about fairy tales. Very character based. The book is dual POV. Very little explanation of the magic system. No real forboding. The last 15% of the book is when a little of the magic system is explained but nothing really deep and it ends in a weak cliff hanger.

I gave it 3 stars because, some of my now favorite series started with a not so great first book and as they continued the universe they became amazing. Lets see what book 2 has to offer.

*** Please check trigger warnings for this book***