A review by iphigenie72
Pretty is as Pretty Dies by Elizabeth Craig


Since I got this book free on Kobo, I wasn't expecting very much; I guess I was surprised and the purpose of giving the first in a series away reached its goal, I will read the next for sure.

Myrtle Clover is an octogenarian whose son his trying to find her things to do, too bad his ideas of appropriate activities are not the same as hers. He has gone and sign her up for a church group and his mother goes to it in protest but finds the body of Parke Stockard by the altar; now she has found what she wants to do... solve this murder! There's lots of potential suspects, Parke was not a likable lady, a transplant from New York she was a realtor trying to develop the little town of Bradley, North Carolina.

It's a very quick read, the characters are engaging. I really like Miss Myrtle, she's no nonsense and her deductions if not always accurate are logical. As cozy mysteries go that one was very satisfying, I did get the right killer for the right reasons, but not too early in the story which is very important.