A review by sapphicbookdragon
Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey


This book has an excellent balance of action/humor/heart. Also, THE PARTY FINALLY GOT A CLERIC! Considering The Expanse was originally a homebrew tabletop game the creators played with friends (before it became novels and a TV series), this makes a lot of sense.

I love these novels so much. The authors demonstrate good pacing, keeping it engaging and exciting page to page, book to book. It never drags or feels boggled down by extraneous details or tedious dialog. Every bit fits and contributes to the larger puzzle and conclusion. The chapters shift perspective from one third person narrator to another, which works for this type of storytelling and keeps it interesting.

I miss Bobbie almost as much as Holden does, but Anna is okay as new supporting characters go. Anna is a "let's talk, not shoot at each other" foil for the majority of gun-toting characters, who hear her concerns (and sometimes feel vaguely bad, not wanting to disappoint her) but do what they have to anyway. Like Prax in the previous book, she wants to see her daughter again, but it's not the driving force behind everything she does; she reacts better in an emergency and tries to keep people safe. Her character is a contrast to Cortez, the more sanctimonious/full-of-himself/ televangelist type guy who falls in with a bad crowd.

It's always good to see Holden, Naomi, Amos and Alex working together again in a crisis, doing what they do best with whatever help they find on their way. I hope the rest of the novels are as good as the first three.