A review by camilacadibe
Fallen Heir by Erin Watt


WHAT??? WHAAT??? Oh my freaking GOD- WHAT?!!

Thank god, this was great! After reading When It's Real (which I did not like at all), I was afraid Erin Watt may have lost their mojo. I was wrong, apparently, because this? Soo good.

But then again, it IS East's story, so I don't see how that can be anything less than amazing.

It's just the first book of I don't know how many focusing on Easton, but it definitely started with a bang. East is just as screwed up as I thought he'd be. My baby is nothing if not fucked up. But that's ok, he is still a lovable idiot and I love him so I forgive him.

He messed up so many times in this book. I can't even... Wow, just wow. He's so lost and I feel so bad for him and he deserves to be saved.

I adored Hartley. She's independent and fierce and a no-bullshit kind of girl, which I appreciate. She had problems, so she got a good look at her life and decided to fix it all. The girl deserves a standing ovation for her determination alone. She is cute and funny and she puts Easton (and everyone who's an asshole around her) back in his place. He needs that more than he would ever admit.

But there's one tiny problem. She has her own fucked up life with its own fucked up issues... She doesn't have time to save Easton - she's to busy trying to save herself
Spoilerwell, actually trying to save her sister and their relationship
to bother with him right now. And to be fair, she told him that from the very first day. She always said she had her own problems and didn't have the time or the energy to deal with East. That might sound harsh, but I admire her for saying it. It was honest. More honest then I expected her to be. BUT, of course, my dear spoiled baby thought she wasn't serious/was playing hard to get/should be thankful for his friendship (I said he was fucked up) and pretty much ignored everything he didn't want to hear. Classic Easton.

Obviously, he won her over, since underneath the spoiled brat is someone worth fighting for. She saw the guy he has the potential to be (If he quit drinking and fighting and maybe, I don't know, get on the medication he actually needs?!) and decided to be his friend.

East is not easy. Neither is Hartley, let's face it. The girl is high maintenance. So, of course, it wouldn't just magically work out. I expected this. So I was prepared. I just grabbed some popcorn, shielded my heart, and waited for the drama to come to mamma.

That didn't make me immune to all the stupid shit both of them (mostly East, though) did and said. I screamed a lot to the pages and almost threw the book through my window a couple of times.

But the drama was sooo good. Couldn't have been juicier. I mean, come on! This series is basically a bunch of rich drama queens and kings thrown together in a place ruled by no one, all of them hungry for the spot at the top of the social ladder. Those bitches go to war daily, armed with fake smiles, pricey clothes, family names, and their Daddy's/Mommy's checkbooks. Ethics? Morals? If they can pay for a way out, then why bother?. How can this not contain the juiciest drama ever?

All I know is I love it. And the writing matches the scene perfectly.
I don't know how the next book is gonna be and have no clue how the hell we're getting out of the crapload of trouble we're in right now. But I can't wait to find out.

The Royals ruined me and I love being ruined. It's one of my addictions - everyone has the right to have some of those, huh? Whatever, Easton would agree with me.

I need the next book. I want my baby to realize how screwed up he is and just grows up already. He needs some serious help and he better get it on Cracked Kingdom. He deserves to find himself and be happy. And only after fixing his own life will he be able to make everything right with his family and friends - including Hartley. I absolutely need to read this.

SpoilerAnd Sebastian is so not dead. Sure, he'll spend some time in the hospital, but I refuse to believe for even one second that he's dead. He can't be dead... Right?... Oh dear lord