A review by coreycamps
Aliens: Earth Hive by Steve Perry


This review is for the Aliens Omnibus: Vol. 1 edition of this book, but I'll be reviewing the books separately.

Alien is such a hyper-specific fandom that I don't expect everyone to enjoy these. Hell, even I had a bit of a hard time with some of the jargon here, and I'm pretty deeply entrenched in the mythos of the Universe. The Alien vs Predator wiki definitely helps some in this regard, especially in visualizing some of the more abstract descriptions from the book. This series of books is also based on the now Non-Canon comic run, but it's been enjoyable thus far regardless.

I liked most of the characters, even if I didn't like their motivations or how quickly some of the uh, "romance" developed. I get that traumatic situations can make emotions run hot, but in the span of about 4 pages, two characters met, slept together, and said they were in love (which continued to motivate them as though they'd been together for years, rather than a couple days, but I digress).

I want more action, more horror, more of the ALIENS. This book was more politics setting up the conflict than anything, but I don't mind that as long as the series expands on the ideas presented in Earth Hive. If you like the Alien franchise, you'll probably like this. You won't love it, but you'll probably like it at the very least.