A review by irrelahvant
Winger by Andrew Smith


Whenever I visit the library, I would always see this book in plain sight. I'd ignored it twice. The third time I saw it, I didn't want to lose it again and borrowed it.

I can safely say never judge a book by the size of it. I was disinterested (I hope that's a word) because of how thick the book was. One day, I had the motivation to start reading the book and I never put it down eversince. Figuratively I mean.

Whenever I do put it down, I just wanted to find out more and more of the plot. I have laughed, been annoyed and upset, following the journey of Ryan Dean West.

Ryan Dean. Even the name is something. I am so used to imperfectly perfect character you usually read in those typical YA novels. This one, however, was heavily flawed and I found it adorable (If I said that, would RD come after me?) It was utterly refreshing to see how he has developed from the very first page till the end.

It really is different from any other books I have read. A good different I might add. I still think I'll still be heartbroken by the tragic event.