A review by mags_louise
Defending Morgan by Susan Stoker



I have really been enjoying Susan Stoker's Mountain Mercenaries Series and her third instalment Defending Morgan was no different. As it had suspense, a little action, a sweet romance and was very engaging to read. And I loved all the characters, particularly Morgan, who after surviving a year in captivity returns to the States battered, bruised, but not broken. And with the help of the delectable and charming good guy Arrow she is able to start to rebuild her life and help the team find who was responsible for her captivity, and whilst I did guess, all be it just before the person was revealed. I did still really enjoy the final confrontation and the hate exhibited was really something.

Plus, I enjoyed the somewhat extended epilogue and I'm excited for book four and Harlow's story. And I would happily recommend Defending Morgan to others.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**