A review by vhp
Blessing the Hands That Feed Us: What Eating Closer to Home Can Teach Us about Food, Community, and Our Place on Earth by Vicki Robin


As an experiment the author agrees to have a local gardener feed her for an entire month. They created a 10 mile rule and a 10% exotic clause.
The experiment taught the author a lot about where our food comes from, laws, politics, processing, etc.
Where does our food come from? Where should it come from? And should we allow the government to control our food? Should small farmers be confined to the same regulations as big commercial farmers?
As much as we may not want politics in our food, sadly it is. Do you want fresh food or faux food?
The book includes recipes and how many people take the time to cook home fresh food anymore? How many people even KNOW HOW?! It isn't just about following a recipe, but knowing what to do with random ingredients and create a meal.
This was a good book. The only thing I disagreed with about the author on is Bill Gates saving the world with his foundation. 'nuff said about that.