A review by emilymatthys
Pool House by Melissa Lozada-Oliva


Oh my. This was just not good at all. I’ll start off by saying I absolutely love a plotless book and usually adore when poets turn to writing novels. However, this wasn’t a book without a plot for the purpose of a deep character study or to explore a situation/dynamic in a more full way. This was just silly. 

It is terribly terribly written, for starters. This doesn’t have the usual flair that generally comes from a poet turning author. In fact, the writing was very shallow, flat, and rather juvenile. The author was also the narrator and I can’t say if this made it worse or better, but I can assure you the narration was atrocious. So monotone and boring. Again, very flat. 

I rarely feel that any time spent reading is truly a waste as I can almost always grow or learn in some capacity. Unfortunately, this is one of those rare times as, all in all, this was just a complete waste - of time, energy, and brain space.