A review by stitchinthyme
Kangaroo Too by Curtis C. Chen


Loved it as much as the first book - it's fast-paced, engaging, and the main character is a lot of fun. Looking forward to more of Kangaroo's adventures. Obviously there will be more, since
Spoilerthe big villain has not been caught yet

My one minor nitpick with the book:
SpoilerI had a hard time believing that after a doctor gets fired and arrested for illegally dosing a prized agency asset with toxic drugs, the agency would allow that doctor's sister to replace her. (And no way they didn't know about the relationship; they're a spy agency, and they undoubtedly vet all agents for stuff like that.)

I'm intrigued to see where the
SpoilerJoey plotline goes. Did the shuttle he was on breach in the pocket because he is developing his own power, or because of some incompatibility with being in Kangaroo's pocket? Heck, there's also the question: what if Kangaroo were to have his own offspring? If his ability is genetic, would he pass it on?

Also enjoyed the Jonathan Coulton reference (I am acquainted with Curtis Chen from JoCo's annual fan cruises).