A review by slelswick
Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done by Josh Davis


I picked up this book at the suggestion of a colleague. I begrudgingly gave it 3 stars. Here's why: Josh Davis is on to something in the first 1/2 of the book when he encourages you, dear gentle reader, to be intentional about your to-do list. He coaches you on the gazillion different seconds you have throughout your day to make better choices about what gets done vs. not instead of just reacting and ping ponging your way, unfettered and un-purposeful-- through the day. Great advice. For this reason, I give 3 stars.

However, the second half of this book turns away from coaching you on how to get things done--the most important stuff in two hours--to lecture, lecture, lecture, citing study after study to justify his great idea. The manuscript felt forced like he had to deliberately expand his material into a book length manuscript, thus inserting unnecessary scientific or psychological study after study to support his idea when really the notion of getting things done in two awesome hours could have been a fantastic magazine article.

In the end, I'd rate this book as 2 1/2 stars, but I don't think that's an option.