A review by remusreads
A Highlander Walks into a Bar by Laura Trentham


This unfortunately wasn’t for me. It’s definitely a case of “it’s not you, it’s me”. I honestly just couldn’t get to grips with these characters and found myself disliking Alisdair, even though there were definitely parts about him that I really liked. I also didn’t much care for Isabel — all in all, the whole spectrum of characters just fell really flat for me and I’m immensely sad about it.

I do love the addition of Scottish heritage and little Scottish elements here and there - I really loved that about this book! That was definitely a lot of fun.

I found that the plot was intricate and interesting enough to keep me hooked which is also a winner. I finished this book relatively quickly because the plot was tugging me in and refusing to release me. It was a captivating plot and really fascinating to read — it was just the characters that missed the mark unfortunately!

Some more points:
— the writing was great. Not too descriptive or flowery, but not too basic. Definitely didn’t suffer with short sentence syndrome.
— interesting mother daughter dynamic
— fantastic setting!
— brilliant pacing; definitely kept the story moving quickly
— amazingly funny, these two characters get themselves in some fabulous situations and some of the things that happen are laugh out loud worthy!

Overall this was a good read — the writing was great, the plot was good, but the characters were what sank this for me!

I would definitely read something else from this author in the future though and definitely think it’s worth a go. I really do believe that the characters are a personal preference and that others will like them! I feel like I’m missing out on the party but I’m glad to have read this book.