A review by michromeu
Some Boys by Patty Blount


So, here's the thing about this book. I think this subject matter needs to be addressed more often, and it made a lot of really good points about rape and rape culture. However, that doesn't change that fact that as a novel, it just wasn't very good.

Unfortunately, other than the main character, Grace, all the characters were very one-dimensional - I didn't feel like they were actual people; I just felt like they were plot devices. For example, with the way that Grace's best friends (Miranda and Lindsay) were described, I as a reader couldn't understand why Grace would have wanted to be friends with them in the first place.
Spoiler(And furthermore, why she'd go back to being friends with them at the end after the way they treated her!)

I did like Grace a lot - she was interesting, smart, and both vulnerable and tough. I loved her "ass-kicking boots." But even she felt like a mouthpiece for the author's views at certain points. I don't have a problem with books with a message - I love them! And, like I said earlier, this book had a message that a lot of people need to hear. However, there's a problem when your story isn't inherently a story, and is just a vehicle for the message.

It was also very frustrating how
SpoilerIan only believed Grace after he saw the proof - the video on Zac's phone. And we're supposed to believe that he's this amazing guy at the end? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of the book?

Overall - I found myself increasingly wanting to throw my book at the wall while reading. The author had good intentions and I appreciate the message - I just wish it had been better conveyed.