A review by wickedlyromance
Colton's Lethal Reunion by Tara Taylor Quinn


Rafe wasn't born a Colton. He was adopted by them after father had passed away. Rafe and Kerry had been childhood friends all the way til their teens. That is when he suddenly left for no apparent reason. He had a reason, a good one that does get explained.

Now as adults Rafe is the CFO of Colton Industries and Kerry is a detective. They haven't seen one another since they were thirteen years old. However, those first love feelings have never went away either. Kerry is convinced that her brother didn't commit suicide but rather was murdered and with Rafe's help she sets out to prove it.

I will say there were times I honestly didn't like either character because they seemed so stubborn. I could understand Rafe's reason for leaving Kerry as a teen and maybe even up until adulthood but I felt that maybe he should have confronted her or something to deal with it as an adult.

Kerry is just as bad, she loves him and wants a relationship with him but it feels at times as though she is trying to prove something. Whether that is to Rafe or herself I'm not sure of. They come together beautifully and the suspense is great. One thing is certain this book made me dislike Payne Colton even more.

He is of course, still in a comma. In this book I was a little thrilled he was because I wanted to punch him for some of his stuff years ago. We still haven't discovered who shot him but that is the secondary mystery in this book. The main one is what happened to Kerry's brother. All in all I liked this story line and was more than thrilled when Rafe and Kerry pulled their heads out of their butts.This review was originally posted on Wickedly Romance