A review by madwonder
My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent


The series keeps getting better for me. In each book there has been different aspects of their world and with that it seems that Kaylee continues to grow. I wasn't honestly her biggest fan in the beginning but I am learning to like her.

I've noticed in other peoples reviews that the majority are not fans of some of the things that took place in this book. I feel like it was welcomed. It doesn't diminish the respect I have had for any of the characters but only makes it stronger. No one is perfect, and it's great to see that finally realized. Every relationship needs some turmoil. Granted, maybe not quite like that, but I think it will eventually help them on their proper paths.

Tod. That's all I need to say. I never expected that an after thought of a brother/reaper (according to Nash, not in so many words) would have crept his way to being more and more involved with in the series and finding his way into my heart. I missed his presence in parts of the book but the ending more than makes up for it. I think I may like Tod to be my knight in shining armor. Screw Nash, lol.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next book, where I am sure the turmoil will continue. Maybe I'm morbid for actually looking forward to that but I think it's just what these characters needed and I'm hoping to see them grow even more, in ways that I hopefully like ;).