A review by susanscribs
About That Fling by Tawna Fenske


Fenske has a unique voice that combines screwball farce with thoughtful character-driven romance. Sometimes those parts don't mix well together, so you have scenes like Jenna earnestly explaining why she can't start a relationship the handsome, witty, sexy guy with whom she had a one-night stand, while the two of them are stuck in a private peep show room of an "adult pleasure" store. And the meddlesome elderly aunt who writes bestselling erotica is a character I could have lived without (we get it, old people + sex = hilarity. As I rapidly approach that age myself I find it less and less sidesplitting.) However, Fenske raises some interesting issues about how relationships begin and end, and whether people are capable of true change. I just wish she had done so with fewer dick pic jokes.