A review by tchtramcd
Adoring Addie by Leslie Gould


Adoring Addie by Leslie Gould is the second book in The Courtships of Lancaster County. This book can be read without reading the first book in the series. Addie is the only daughter in the Cramer family. She has always had to be responsible for so much because her mother can't handle doing many of the daily chores of an Amish family.While her brothers are aloud to do whatever during their rumspringa period, Addie's parents expect her to be good and do everything they ask of her. Her parents have even picked out who they want her to marry which is the bishops son. Addie is not sure that she has feelings for him, and doubts it more when the Mosier family moves back and she meets Jonathon. The Cramer and Mosier families have had a falling out in the past and they still do not get along. Addie and Jonathon try to figure out what the caused the families to have dislike each other so they could fix it. When Addie's parents find out she has been seeing Jonathon they get upset and do everything they can to stop the relationship. Will she follow what her parents want her to do or will she stand up for herself and go after the one she truly loves?

I really enjoyed this book! It was interesting to see that Amish families don't always get along with other families like families outside of the Amish. From everything I have read it seems like they are such a tight community that things like this would not happen, but again they are human so it can happen to everyone. Addie was such a wonderful character, and I loved how she stood up for what she believed even though her parents tried to put a stop to it several times. I look forward to reading the rest of the books in this series that Leslie Gould writes.
I received this book free from Bethany House Publishing Company for my honest review.