A review by angelahayes
Check In by Debra Parmley


3 Stars

Check In is the second book in The Bobbins Sisters series by Debra Parmley. This is a romantic suspense story with drama, mystery, and intrigue.
I hate to say this, as I know how much time, energy, heart, and soul authors put into their work- but I really found it difficult to connect with the story and the characters. There was something missing for me. I felt it needed to be a little more dramatic, with more tension, intensity, and chemistry for this story/series to really grab my attention. I found my interest and attention wandering and had to really force myself to stay focused. I prefer the story to grab me and pull me in so deep that I lose all sense of time and place. This story wasn’t that for me.
But please don’t let my opinion put you off reading the book/series because plenty of readers would probably really enjoy this book. It’s just that I like my romantic suspense/mysteries to be a little meatier.
I will come back and re-read this book again in a few weeks just to see if I still feel the same way, or if I was having a bad reading day when I picked this up.

Thank you, Debra Parmley!