A review by cheraquili
Verity by Colleen Hoover


"It was like my family existed in a snow globe. Inside, everything was cozy and perfect, but I wasn’t a part of them; I was just an outsider looking in."

5/5 stars

This is the BEST book I have read, so far, this year!

Verity is the first novel I have read by Colleen Hoover, but it surely won't be my last!
I also have to thank Mo from the channel The Roomies Digest on Youtube because I do not think I would have read this if it was not for her recommendations.

"It was like my family existed in a snow globe. Inside, everything was cozy and perfect, but I wasn’t a part of them; I was just an outsider looking in."

The writing is superb and the plotline is extremely interesting. Thus, it will surely keep you on your toes! Books do not usually scare me, but the scene where (view spoiler)

I was good at spewing bullshit. It’s why I became a writer.

Thanks to this book, I also figured out that I ADORE suspense-romance novels!

Thus, I have nothing to complain about since this was an enjoyable read throughout the entire 300+ pages. As previously mentioned, I will undoubtedly read more books by Colleen Hoover, and will surely recommend this to everyone!

Other quotes I liked:
I grip the sink and stare at my reflection. Two tired, empty eyes stare back at me. The horror of what they’ve just witnessed have darkened the hazel to a murky brown. I rub my cheeks with the heels of my hands to inspire color, to no avail. I look like death.

Here, I’m invisible. Unimportant. Manhattan is too crowded to give a shit about me, and I love her for it.