A review by kdgreen
Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn


To be honest, this book took me a while to get into, but that ending, that ending kept me wanting more talk about a twist! If you’re a fan of Arthurian retellings, adventures, morally gray characters and fae this is the story for you. In the Queen of Roses, we follow Morgan Pendragon who is half fae/half human who has been tasked with retrieving Excalibur for her brother King Arthur. She is accompanied on this journey by Kairos Draven who is sarcastic, mysterious, and on a mission of his own devices. Throughout the book we have a slooooow burn and development and it makes me that much more invested and thankful that the next book of the series is already available!

This isn’t your run of the mill King Arthur and Camelot retailing. You have fae and spice and I promise you it is worth the read! Thank you, Net Galley and Briar, for the ARC copy in exchange for my honest review.